Saturday, March 8, 2014

I'm learning to love my body, but...

I'm learning to love my body but today that bully that lurks deep in my brain was taunting me. "Your thighs are huge!" "Why'd you buy those underwear your butt isn't ready for that!" I finally punched her in the throat like I wanted to do to all those bullies in high school.
I changed my train of thought and focused on the positive changes. My arms look amazing and are strong. I can carry for 4 year old twins at the same time! My stomach is leaner everyday. I'm making healthy changes for my family.
Why do we hate ourselves so much? My body has made and carried 3 babies, two at the same time!  There are enough people out there prepared to judge why do I judge myself?
Everyday I tell my daughter she's beautiful. I need to do that for myself. I am beautiful, I am strong, I am me and I'm not going to apologize to anyone for it!