Monday, May 1, 2017

Monday May Motivation

Happy Monday and Happy May!
I'm not one to shy away from a Monday.  I embrace them.  Enjoy the excitement of a new week.  This very Monday falls on the start of a new month.  This ignites a different kind of fire in me.  A new week, a new month!  A chance to make new goals.  Make them BIG! 
I'm always dreaming.  Thinking HUGE!  Outside the box.  The way to follow my heart.  It talks we just have to listen.  And I'm listening.  There's so many things to be grateful for.  There are more things my heart wants to do.  Dreams I want to chase!  Be on the lookout for these wild dreams to be shared.  Until then, think of your own dreams.  What's one thing you can do with this new week and month to make your heart shine?
Class updates for May!
Catch me Tuesdays at 9am and Thursdays at 6pm at Rumor's upstairs.
Pop up classes can happen at any time so stay in the loop by subscribing on the side of the blog or by following me on Facebook.
I hope to see familiar and new faces on the mat!
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Namaste, Rachael