Monday, May 19, 2014

What Girls on the Run has taught me.

Three years ago I started on a journey. I'm a serious introvert. Like to the point of wanting to be a crazy hermit cat lady. Anyway enough about my mental health. I saw an ad looking for Girls on the Run coaches. I thought hey I run I can do that.
Let me explain that GOTR isn't just a running program it's a life building program. To teach girls to be the amazing people they are. So not only did I have to run (which I was ok at) I had to actually lead and teach these girls to love who they are.
I have to say it's taken me this long to realize my own awesomeness. I took over head coaching responsibilities for not only one team but 4. Yes FOUR! Thirty totally different, joyful girls. From the ages of 8-13. Crazy as it sounds we didn't have any drama over the course of 12 weeks!
I am supposed to teach the girls but they've taught me so much. I appreciate every single one of them with their uniqueness and spirits that it's made me be a better person and find my inner peace. I am amazing and no one can take that away. Because at the end of the day we are all good enough.
The end of the season was a bittersweet day. Because I'm moving away. The town I'm moving to doesn't have a GOTR program. So guess what this now tutu wearing former introvert is taking on? Oh yes western Louisiana let's do this!

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