Monday, May 1, 2017

Monday May Motivation

Happy Monday and Happy May!
I'm not one to shy away from a Monday.  I embrace them.  Enjoy the excitement of a new week.  This very Monday falls on the start of a new month.  This ignites a different kind of fire in me.  A new week, a new month!  A chance to make new goals.  Make them BIG! 
I'm always dreaming.  Thinking HUGE!  Outside the box.  The way to follow my heart.  It talks we just have to listen.  And I'm listening.  There's so many things to be grateful for.  There are more things my heart wants to do.  Dreams I want to chase!  Be on the lookout for these wild dreams to be shared.  Until then, think of your own dreams.  What's one thing you can do with this new week and month to make your heart shine?
Class updates for May!
Catch me Tuesdays at 9am and Thursdays at 6pm at Rumor's upstairs.
Pop up classes can happen at any time so stay in the loop by subscribing on the side of the blog or by following me on Facebook.
I hope to see familiar and new faces on the mat!
Image result for monday quotes
Namaste, Rachael

Sunday, April 23, 2017

Sunday Gratitude

As I sit here on my deck on this beautiful Sunday I'm overcome with gratitude.  This last week was crazy and fun.  I'm meeting so many amazing people in my yoga classes.  You all bring such great energy to my life and I'm grateful for all of you. This is my dream and I put 100% of myself in my classes.  One year ago I never would of thought I'd be teaching.  I had every excuse. Not enough time (darn kids), not enough money (yoga certs are SOOO pricey! Yikes!), etc.  But I followed my heart and took the leap.  To everyone who walks into my class my heart explodes.  Thank you for sharing my dream with me.   
On Friday I got to road trip with a friend to see my husband's band.  We were surprised by my brother and sister in law!  A fun night to see my husband do what he loves.  Since he supports me in what I love to do.  Heart followers and dream chasers over here!!! 
I also got to hang out and lead a yoga class with some amazing Fierce sisters. We spent time in a salt cave, ate, hugged, and drank beers and wine.  The love I've found from all of you I'll be grateful for forever.  Tribe Found and I'm not letting any of you go!   
My Fierce Sisters after our yoga class in LaGrange, Illinois
I think it's fitting my next class will cover the heart and being open love and being love and light.  Until next time my friends.
Namaste, Rachael

Thursday, April 20, 2017

Yoga on the Deck Reverse Warrior (Viparita Virabhadrasana) and Extended Side Angle

Last week got away from me and I missed Yoga on the Deck!  Between rain showers and kids on spring break it was craziness!
Warrior is one of my favorite series of poses to flow with.  It reminds of an awesome warrior headed in to battle.  You should feel strong and ready to face anything after these poses.  Maybe even graceful.
Begin with a sun salutation warm up.  Stand in the middle of your mat.  Take your feet wide, about 3 feet.  But as always listen to your body here.  Turn the right toes to the front of the mat.  Square your left foot at a 90 degree angle or turn those toes in a bit.  Whatever makes you comfy.  Inhale your arms up and exhale bend your right knee.  The knee stays over the ankle and the left leg stay strong and active.  Inhale big and drop your left arm down your left leg.  Take the right arm up to the sky.  Take some big beautiful breathes here.
  On and exhale rainbow your right arm down to your right thigh, left hand goes up.  Now you have an option to drop that right hand all the way to the Earth (or deck in this case). Breath here and when your ready exhale to come up.
Repeat this whole sequence on the other side.
For a video option click here
Have a great week everyone!
Namaste, Rachael

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Yoga on the Deck Warrior 2 Virabhadrasana 2

Welcome to another week of Zen yoga on my deck.  I decided to expand on the Warrior we did last week.  Warrior poses are my favorite.  I really feel connected to that inner badass!
Please remember to warm up before doing these poses.  No need for injuries!
Warrior 2
Start with your feet about 3 feet wide.  As wide as in comfy for you.  Turn your right toe out to the front of your mat and your back or left leg stays pointing forward, even a little bit in.  Whatever is comfortable for you.  Inhale bring your arms up, parallel to the floor and exhale bend the front knee.  Check your knee.  Make sure it's a beautiful straight line with your ankle.  Don't let it go past your toes! Stay tall in your torso, don't lean forward. Hold for 5 breaths. 
Exhale drop the arms and come back to the start position.
Repeat the whole thing on the other side. 
I hope this ignites the warrior within!  For a video option click here
Have a great week!
Much love and Namaste,

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Yoga on the Deck Warrior 1 Virabhadrasana 1

Welcome to my very first "Yoga on the Deck!"  My deck is my favorite place to practice.  Hearing the birds and occasionally my ducks makes me happy.  Brings me closer to nature.
Do a couple rounds of sun salutation to warm up and then let's do this!

Warrior 1 (Virabhadrasana 1)
Start in mountain pose.  Take a couple breathes to center yourself and focus. Take a deep breath in and send your right foot back on the exhale.  Turn your foot to a 90 degree angle.  Line your left heel up with the arch of your right foot.  Square your hips to the front and bend your left knee, making sure your knee is in line with your ankle.  Bring your palms together at your heart or overhead.  If you're going with the overhead option make sure your shoulders are dropped. NO TURTLES! :)  Hold for 5-7 breathes.  As you exhale try to go deeper into the lunge.  Don't let your torso sink.  Stay tall like a Warrior! On an exhale bring your right leg back. Take a couple deep breathes in mountain and do it again on the left.

Warrior 1 will help lengthen and tone the spinal muscles, strengthen the knee joints, quads, glutes, and upper body.  Also stretches the lats and hip flexors.  You'll also release that inner Warrior!
For a video option click here
Namaste, Rachael