Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Cheers to Being Sober

I am 5 months and 27 days sober. 
First let me start by saying I'm not a big drinker anyway. My husband always jokes that he's seen me drink maybe a 12 pack in the almost 19 years we've been together.  I come from a big Irish family and we can joke and say "God bless the Irish. They drink when they're happy and they drink when they're sad." 
After the loss of my mom I found myself drinking for every emotion. After a long day at the hospital with her I'd "wind down" with a beer. Then she was gone. Emotions were raw. Beer and wine made me euphoric. The pain was gone. Until the next morning. 
I think we all have our numbing habit. Shopping,, food,  smoking, drinking, working out, etc. All can be addictive behaviors. I felt myself slipping down a hole. 
That last weekend of drinks was intense. The emotions were high and it was a lot to handle. I instantly felt gross after those tequila shots hit the table. But I was stressed. I DESERVED THE NIGHT OUT! That night turned to 2 nights. I honestly don't want to know what my bar tab was, I have [HAD] expensive tequila taste. 
The following weekend I was going to a conference and dreaded the expectation of drinks. Thank you universe, my roommate was sober!!!! A huge sigh of relief washed over me. I listened to her story and was in awe at her commitment. Then we heard a story from Jay Shetty. His words about his experience struck me. "You don't have to be the strongest person in the room. You just have to be stronger than the person you're helping." This struck me huge. How can I help anyone when I couldn't see destructive habits in my own life? BAM! 
While I don't mind being around anyone who's drinking (hello Christmas parties THAT WAS CRAZY DIFFICULT TO SURVIVE!), I'm shocked by the "culture." The mindset of "earning" or "deserving" it. Good times and accomplishments should be celebrated!! I just choose to do it a different way.  
Here are some ways that I get through. And trust me I struggle!
I deal with the "need" or temptation by meditation, walking , writing in my journal, or just crying. Dealing with the emotion allows for me to grow and learn what triggers uncomfortable emotions. When I celebrate I own my 80/20 and get food I normally wouldn't. Which could be a slippery slope on it's own! But right now I have food under control.
I still miss beer with wings and wine with a nice meal.  But until I can control the emotions, they can't control me. 
To research this post I looked at celebs who celebrate sobriety and was blown away by many who have worked on acknowledging their addictions and are brave enough to speak up about it.

Drew's was by far my favorite quote. Sobriety takes work, but it's so worth it!
If you're on a sober journey I'd love to hear your story!

Back and hips all messed up from spring yard work?  Check out the new Zenday Wednesday class flow here

My Top 5!
This week I want to share my favorite YOGA POSES!
I'm not sure why I haven't done this sooner!
5. Pigeon, we have a love/hate.  My left hip HATES pigeon!  Ir's usually sore after I do it.
4. Low Lunge to a Runner's Lunge. My hamstrings and hip flexors always need these!  Combine them in a flow...maybe that will be next weeks YouTube video. 
3. Child's Pose. I love to meditate in this one!
2. Warrior Series!  I run them together in a power flow!  I only have 1 class that does this though.  You're Welcome 
1. IT Band Stretch.  It's the last pose in the video above.  I love it for the same reason I love/hate pigeon. :)

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

How do you self care?

There are probably a billion blog posts about self care. It's almost become cliche. A lot of self help gurus remind us to do it. But the question is, are we?  Why not? We know it's important, obviously by all the chatter about it. But really are we taking the time to feed our own souls?! Below is my challenge to you and some ideas! 

We're all human. If you're like me you put everyone else first. I know I have for years. 
You do deserve that latte, that painting class, that extra time to you. Say it out loud. "I DESERVE THIS!" Stop giving everyone else 1000% and do something for you!

My challenge to you, take one hour and maybe try something new. BUT, I want you to take that hour and take care of you.

My favorite self care ideas!
Take a bath
Read a book while drinking your favorite tea
Find a restorative yoga class
Go on a walk or bike ride
Get a massage or mani/pedi
My favorite meditate
Literally hide in the bathroom, hey it works
Call a friend

Find balance more regularly. Self care isn't selfish.   

 Hit up the comments or message me on social to let me know what you did for you! 

Speaking of balance, your new Yoga 101 video is up!  Get it here  I chose tree pose to go with this blog post for a reason.  Balance in life, mind, body, spirit. 

My top five for this week!
Top 5 favorite podcasts
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
Unconventional Leaders Heather Parady 
The School of Greatness Lewis Howes
Buddhist Bootcamp Timber Hawkeye
 From the Heart Rachel Brathen

Have a great week! I'm so grateful you're here!

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

My Story #YogaSavedMyLife

I was recently talking to a friend.  She's a great listener and always points out the things I already know I need but don't realize it until I say it.  She gets you to "brain dump" and genuinely listens.  Anyway, we were talking about my content and where I wanted to take my life and "business."  She stopped me mid convo and said "Do you realize the term you've used more than once?"  Of course I didn't because only Heather hears this stuff.  Really she has a gift.  The term I was using?  Yoga saved my life.  Woah.  Yeah my reaction too.

I've always been shy, introverted, reserved, insert whatever term you prefer to use.  I still am and really always will be.  It's just who I am.  At 16 my introvertedness turned into full on anxiety.  I had spent multiple years leading to this moment sick, missing almost my entire 4th and 8th grade school years.  I'm forever grateful to that walk in clinic doctor for diagnosing me when my regular doctors couldn't (really my allergies and repeat sinus infections were the answer!).  In the eyes of my school mates I was the "sick kid."  Junior high and high school were not kind to me.  I had my core group of friends who always "got me."  But still I struggled.  I'd go home and retreat to books or on my worse days, beg my parents to let me stay home.

My mom was a huge bookworm.  She knew there had to be an answer in a book.  She went to the bookstore and asked the clerk to help her find a book that would help a teen with anxiety.  The clerk said "there's this new thing called yoga" and sold my mom on the book.  Honestly, the term "new thing called yoga" always cracks me up because 1994 yoga was literally 5,000 years old, give or take a few thousand years.

My 16 year old self was very intimidated by all those poses.  My body should bend how?  But the breath, the meditation, THAT SAVED MY LIFE!  I soon started taking those breathing exercises into my everyday life.  Big test?  No problem.  Rude jerk bully?  Inhale and smile, damn that drove her crazy!  A boss with a huge ego?  Yeah I survived him too!  All the small things and all the big things, 27 hours of labor?  HELLO!

I still struggle with anxiety.  The worst losing my mom, the person who realized I needed help and deserved so much more.  When I finished my yoga certification she was so happy for me.  My mom though, is a whole other blog post.  I am so grateful for her for so many things. Even teaching yoga is a struggle for me, at least was. Two years in and I finally feel comfortable. The butterflies are gone. Yoga to me is familiar, is home. When I'm on my mat, nothing else matters. All the stress, worry, and most importantly anxiety fall away.  Even the idea of being in front of strangers, teaching (is less stressful). Luckily, those strangers don't stay strangers for long. My studio is home. My students a community, friends that I get the honor to spend time with.

Yoga is so much more than those crazy contortions you see on social media.  Yoga is the mind, body, spirit coming together to remind you who you truly are.

As always your Zenday Wednesday comes with a new tutorial!  This week learn all about GATE POSE

As always I'm open to blog and video ideas!
Until next time, Rachael

For this week's favorite things
My top 5 favorite BOOKS!

Kassandra Reindhart's
"Yin Yoga:Stretch the Mindful Way"

Timber Hawkeye's "Buddhist Boot Camp"

Shaun T's "T is for Transformation"

Paul Penn's "Light of the Fireflies"

Greer Hendricks' "The Wife Between Us"

Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Happy March and BIG NEWS!!

Happy March!! 
March is my favorite month.  It means time with my big Irish family and corned beef and cabbage.  Also, with a new month it means a new intention,  If you come to my classes or follow me on social media you know I love to set a new intention every month with these cards from Amazon.
My card draw for March

I always love drawing these cards for everyone.  Try to catch my live stream on Facebook or Instagram on the first of each month and I'll gladly draw one for you!

Also, launching for the month of March is the revival of my YouTube channel!!  Every Zenday Wednesday I'll post a new tutorial!  This week is a Warrior Series!  Check out the video Here!!!

I look forward to sharing with you again more regularly.  Please check back every Wednesday for more yummy yoga goodness!

Namaste, Rachael

PS Here's your bonus nugget of fun for this week
The Top 5 Songs I'm Digging In Class 
(in no particular order)
5.  "Gravity" John Mayer
4.  "How Will I Know" Sam Smith
3. "slow down my thoughts" Zachary Knowles
2.  "Hey Jude" The Beatles
1. "Just Breathe" Pearl Jam