Wednesday, April 24, 2019

When do you feel Powerful?

What do you think of when you hear the word power?
 What about Powerful? 
Do you envision a super hero, someone kicking butt? Does it look something different? Is it about using your voice? 
Is it about being physically strong? Emotionally strong?
Where do you feel most powerful? 
For me it's helping others realize their power. When I lift heavier. Or nail a really difficult yoga pose! My power also comes from my voice! Being who I am!
Physical and emotional strength go together in so many ways.
If you Google the word power you're going to get so much more than you bargained for .  If your profession allows it, power means so much (Hello Math Nerds!!!).
Ok, really back to the point.  When's that last time you felt powerful?  
Share your POWER thoughts with me!

But really at the end this is all that matters

As always there's free yoga!  This week is POWER YOGA!! It's almost like I did that on purpose.
Have a great week friends!

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

What's your biggest dream?

Do you have that thing? You know that thing that you always put off until the time is right?
What is your biggest dream? Where do you see yourself in a year? Five years?
If you can hand pick exactly everything you wanted, what would you have? Turn this into action!!! What are the things you could do today, tomorrow, next week, next month? I want to help you reach that vision! That goal, that dream, that purpose. 
The thing that keeps you up at night. The thing that makes your heart beat. That sets your soul on fire! What can you do right now to put yourself on track for everything you've ever dreamed up? 
For me, I'm living it! Yes I have bigger goals! I have bigger dreams! But everyday I get to wake up and pour my heart into all the work that I do, to make myself better, to see growth in all of those around me. Everyone who tells me "you inspire me" or that goes the other way. To see other people that inspire me and what are they doing? What are their dreams? What are their goals? There's nothing more heartwarming then seeing someone kick ass on their dreams and their goals, to say "I did it look what I did!"
I guarantee I've been where you are and there are people out there who have been where I am. To see the  growth and focus that we put into our lives and businesses, it's absolutely amazing!
There is a purpose for you! 
There is a calling!
There is a dream!
So I ask again, what is that one thing that you've always wanted to do? Have you wanted to write a book?  Have you wanted to take a class? Have you wanted to do a thing? What is your thing? What is the one thing that sets your heart on fire that you've been holding off doing? 
Do you have a fear that it won't work? Do you have a fear that it will work and you'll love it?  Do you not have time? Do you not have money?
So again what can you do today to set yourself up for that Wildest Dream, because we all have one. Don't say you don't have one you have one, there's something you want so fiercely but that's all you daydream about let's make that day dream your reality

Vision without action is a dream. Action without vision is a nightmare~~Japanese Proverb

My top five for today?  You guessed it!  
Comment the top 5 things you are doing to put your dream plan into action!!

Namaste, Rachael 

As always on Zenday Wednesday here's your YOGA 101

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Less Things, More Love

I recently spent a couple days with my grandma. She is 92 and still lives independently. Just as feisty as I remember from my childhood.  First night there I made dinner, it was just pasta and meatballs. I opened a cupboard door to look for pots and pans and she literally just had one of every size pan. Myself, I probably have two or three of every size pan (a trait I inherited from my mom) . But here my grandma has just one of every size pan. Then when I went to find the colander to strain the pasta I realized she only had one of those too. I have three. Different sizes, different materials for different things, and it honestly got me thinking about why I have so much stuff. She has one Pyrex pan. I have two of the big ones, one medium one, and two round ones.  Why do I need all this stuff (Ok these were wedding gifts)?
One of my favorite pictures.  My mom, my great grandma holding me, and my grandma

It really got me thinking about her era and the time that she comes from. She's lived in the house that my grandfather built 65 years ago. She's lived in the same block for more than 70 years!
I've moved across the country, twice. I've had three homes for my kids. Five for just myself, I lived in my childhood home until I met my husband and moved away (that home sits next to my grandma's on the land they gave my parents as a wedding gift).
My grandma lived through WWII, had 2 amazing daughters, raised them while working as a post master, showed grace and love after losing my grandpa and my mom, and still to this day gives the best hugs and kisses. I'm so grateful to still have her and my dad's mom who's also in her 90's. 
Yes my kids spent their spring break with their gran. 
A family rite of passage, being taller than Gran
We spent a lot of time watching The Game Show Network and my kids loved the old school Match Game. She taught them how to play crazy 8s and giggled with them while I taught them to play chess. 
Being able to take care of and spend time with someone who helped shape who I am is an honor.  I hope to be her when I grow up.  She really opened my eyes to living simply, with less things and more love.  
Who has shaped your life?  Have you noticed anything different about yourself as an adult and your grandparents?

My Gran is way cooler than you.

I don't have a Top 5 Things this week, exactly.
I want you to reach out to the TOP 5 people who shaped your life.  Say Thank You, ask them the questions you've always wanted to know.  Show them the love they've always shown you.

As always, there's free yoga RIGHT HERE!!

Until next week, much love, 

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Live your life Perfectly Imperfect

I am a perfectionist.
 There I said it. I even struggled with this blog post (really I've edited it 4 times!!).  I want the content I put out to be needed and useful.  Maybe this isn't all so bad.  Let me explain. 
I've always struggled with fitting in. Trying to fit the mold, but deep down being an extremely weird person didn't make this easy.  I say weird in a good way.  I'm not like the other mom's, not like other yogis.  But I honor who I am.  
 Recently I came to terms with living my life Perfectly Imperfect. Because really who needs all that pressure to be perfect when none of us are?! I've also learned that if you don't "fit" you weren't meant to be with that tribe, if it's too much work it wasn't meant to be.
I have an amazing community of friends who accept every crazy, endearing quirk.  It took me so long to accept myself and they all accepted me right away.
See perfect isn't the goal.  Finding those that love you FOR YOU is!!! 
So acknowledging this makes me realize that when I share anything with you it comes from my heart. Perfect or not. I know you'll accept me for me and I'm so grateful for that ❤
So my friends, I ask, what makes you PERFECTLY IMPERFECT?
Yes I have the words tattooed on my body...

PS my website is up!!! All Strong & Zen goodness in one spot. 

This week's yoga practice is a morning one!  So roll out of bed and give it a try! GOOD MORNING!

See you next week for Zenday Wednesday and thank you so much for being a part of the
Strong & Zen community.